Bali Carving Lessons
Create your own Bali experience

Mertarauh Bali Carving Lessons
Jl Tukad Bilok Gang Tukad Anyar  No. 10 Sanur,>
Tel: +62 81236304139

Batik Painting Class


Batik painting is one of the very popular things you Will see in bali,the local style is very unique and beautiful and its not difficult as It seem to.
I am professional painter for many years i would love to show you its done teach you the basics and help you to make and create your own Piece of colourful fabric Art the perfect souvenir.
Batik handmade painted fabric is a vital part of Indonesian cultures,that everyone can try it and instead of buying expensive souvenirs you Will have one to keep by yourself or as a gift for someone you care

PRICE IDR 450.000/ person/each session